By Scott Melbrod There is a great quote by the famous mathematician and inventor Archimedes that goes: “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.” In this quote Archimedes was talking about leverage in the physical sense; through …
What We Do for Our Real Estate Investor Clients
By Scott Melbrod It goes without saying, but as a real estate investor, your finances probably don’t look like those of the average Joe. More than likely, you don’t invest the same way, save the same way, or spend the same way. That’s why Taxable Wealth doesn’t treat your money the same way. We …
Don’t Be A Spork: The Need for Specialized Services & Why We Created Taxable Wealth
By Scott Melbrod Multitasking is great—sometimes. But what usually happens is that something gets lost in the process, whether that’s attention to detail, enjoyment of the task itself, or quality work. One of the greatest icons of multitasking is the spork. Stay with me here. The spork seems like …
Your Comprehensive Guide To Financial Planning For Business Owners
By Scott Melbrod Do you own a small- to mid-sized business? Welcome to the club! Often your personal finances and “Household Balance Sheet” get pushed to the back burner because running your business is your daily priority. As a small business owner myself, I know this firsthand. In our …
Your Definitive Guide To Financial Planning For Real Estate Investors
By Scott Melbrod As our American financial system gets more and more complex, financial planning is growing in importance. There are over 300,000 financial advisors in the U.S. (1) now offering services to help people manage their money and get ahead financially but a large percentage of them …